
 "Congratulations to you all on a particularly excellent and informative Newsletter!"  Heather Penwarden Community Champion

"Your newsletters are getting more and more interesting. Thank you for all you do."   Pat Cooper  Chair Friends of Swanage Hospital 

"I find the newsletters most useful and informative"

"I have found the newsletters and other e-mails very helpful in running the 7 community hospitals in my area.  They have helped to enhance the  all round perspective of life in a community hospital."


CHA Newsletter #31

The CHA is pleased to open booking to our national conference on 10th and 11th October 2024 in Gloucester. We also launch this years Innovation and Best Practice Award, which will be through submitted posters and presentations.  In our newsletter we record our meeting with Professor Sir Chris Whitty, and his quote supporting community hospitals. We share the link to the new video made by staff at Nairn Town and Country Hospital, and recommend watching this to witness integration in action. Our newsletter contains news of community hospitals across the UK, as well as important recent research. Thank you to Systmone for their sponsrship of the newsletter.   Download our newsletter here


CHA Newsletter #30

We announce our Autumn national conference in our latest newsletter 10th and 11th October 2024 in Brockwood Gloucester. Please save the date - details to follow.  Our newsletter includes links to blogs, latest publications, community hospitals in the news, and lots more. We welcome new committee members: Julie Ellery and Kate Riddle.  We have launched our whatsapp network. We also share the achievements of Seachange Devon. Do read our newsletter and let us know what you think. Feel free to send us your own contributions. Our thanks to TPP for generous sponsorship. 

Download our latest newsletter  


CHA Newsletter #29

Our Christmas newsletter is full of fascinating insights into community hospitals and their local communities. Do read Evelyn Prodgers brilliant blog on her reflections on the characteristics of community hospitals. Our newsletter includes news items, such as the award for East Lothian Community Hospital, recruitment initiative for Bishops Castle Community Hospital and the planned increase in beds for Bishops Auckland Community Hospital.  Also the commitment of the local community in Teignmouth to their local hospital. Our Resource Packs are ready to read and cover a variety of topics. Our newsletter provides information on our monthly discussion groups - do join us. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Download our latest newsletter here

CHA Newsletter #28

Download our newsletter here 

Community Hospitals are in the news!  Read our latest newsletter to find out more. 

Included in our events section is the Discussion session on Frailty by Dr Kirsty Protherough on 4th October.  Kirsty has also written an article on delayed discharges in community hospitals, to help contribute to the national initiative and increase understanding of the role of community hospitals. We celebrate staff in Sussex Community Trust receiving their national award from the CHA - congratulations! There is news of hospitals including Tywyn and Bishops Castle, as well as blogs and videos.  We say goodbye to Barbara Moore, who worked tirelessly for the CHA over many years.  Do send us your news for the next edition. Our thanks to TPP for sponsorship.   

CHA Newsletter #27

Download our newsletter here

We have a bumper newsletter. We announce the winners of our Innovations and Best Practice Awards. Congratulations!   We report on the presentation on the 7 Gloucestershire Hospitals. The CHA met members of the Q team at Rye Hospital, and had an inspirational day - thank you to all involved. We have a message from our outgoing Chair, Evelyn Prodger. We are very grateful for her contributions and guidance.  There is much more more in the newsletter - don't miss the penguins!  

CHA Newsletter #26

Download our newsletter here

The newsletter is full of information and resources on community hospitals, including news, events and blogs. There is detail of our SIG events, including the event on 7th June when we hear about the 7 community hospitals in Gloucestershire. We have an update on the Innovations and Best Practice Awards.  We also launch our Resource Pack#2 on Integrated Care, which can be downloaded, and is on our Special Interest Group page in the Q Community.   Do send us any news, blogs or items that you would like to share with our wider international community hospital network. 

CHA Newsletter #25

Download our newsletter here

The newsletter gives details of our scheduled Community Hospital Discussion Groups - do join us for  “Joy in Work” Wednesday 1st March at 7pm and “Safer Staffing” Wednesday 5th April at 7pm. Our newsletter gives updates on news relating to community hospitals, and introduces resources on our website such as 3 new blogs, a Case Study Compilation of our 31 case studies, Evelyn Prodger's account of the Dairy of a Project, updates on research. We also have news on our international connections. We are also pleased to feature Leagues of Friends.   We welcome your feedback, and your contributions. We are delighted that our network is growing, and we can continue to promote community hospitals. 


CHA Newsletter #24

Please follow this link to find our most recent newsletter.

We hope you will enjoy reading about our forthcoming CHA Q Special Interest Group discussions and follow the link to watch past discussions. 

There is news about our President Helen Tucker's presentation at an Italian annual health service conference in Milan, and details about the publication of an abstract from our presentation to the ICIC22 conference in Denmark. 

Enjoy the read and we welcome your feedback as always!

CHA Newsletter #23

Our latest newsletter can be downloaded here

It contains news of our recently published report "Community Hospitals: Embedding COVID19 positive impact changes through shared learning” as well as the publication of a paper in BMJ Open Quality by CHA Director and Vice President, Dr David Seamark.

There are news updates from community hospitals around the UK and details on how to contact us with your queries or support you may require. 

We hope you enjoy reading it!

CHA Newsletter #22

This newsletter is full of good news and events for all concerned with community hospitals.

There are details of our online discussion, that all are welcome to sign up for. This is Tuesday 13th Sept at 7pm when we will hear from staff in Oxfordshire about creating a 7 day service and new support arrangements for community hospitals. Join for free on eventbrite here  

Save the Date for Future CHA Online Discussions all at 7pm - 18th Oct and 23rd Nov.

We are delighted to announce our 2022 Innovation and Best Practice Award Winners - congratulations to all!

We will be launching of CHA Report September 2022

We have built good relations with a research team in Italy on Community Hospitals

Our News page is full of details of hospitals including Insch, Crowborough, Finchley and Malvern

We shine a Spotlight on Evelyn Prodger - our Chair and lead for QI. 

We invite you to support the work  of the CHA. Please also share your news with us.

The Newsletter can be downloaded here


CHA Newsletter #21


In this edition we update on our Q study, and invite you to an online discussion group on 29th June 12.30pm when we will be hearing staff talk about the quality improvements during Covid-19.  We publish case studies regularly.
Our newsletter goes international, with the CHA represented in Denmark at an international conference, and we develop links with Italy and follow their plan to invest in community hospitals with interest.
We welcome our new administrator, Eleanor Murphy.   We also share news on community hospitals. Please feel free to share news with us by emailing us, ringing us,  or writing a blog. We love to have news of the wonderful things happening in community hospitals. 


CHA Newsletter #20

Our newsletter updates on our Q project on Community Hospitals During Covid. We also celebrate being given an award of funding from Q to help grow our Special Interest Group. Details of how to jon are in the newsletter. We also have a blog, news, patient stories and a spotlight on Katie Scott CHA committee member. 


CHA Newsletter #19

Our newsletter contains an invitation to a discussion forum on 23rd Feb, links to a blog on good practice for patient activities, a welcome to a new committee member, Sue Greenwood, and also news on community hospitals from around the UK.


CHA Newsletter #18


CHA Newsletter #17


CHA Newsletter #16


CHA Newsletter #15


CHA Newsletter #14


CHA Newsletter #13
