
We are constantly updating our database of community hospitals.  It records over 500 community hospitals throughout the UK. This includes classic community hospitals with beds; community hubs without beds; rehabilitation/ intermediate care units, and also community wards in acute hospitals.

The current data set includes fields on: commissioner, provider, address, postcode, telephone number, and notes on current status.  If you want to check that your hospital information is correct, or want further information please contact us.  

Country No.
England 346
Scotland 101
Wales 44
Northern Ireland 13
Total 504

Profiling Community Hospitals in England 2008Profiling Community Hospitals in England 2008

The Department of Health (DH) with Community Health Partnership (CHP) commissioned a study from the Community Hospitals Association (CHA) to provide a profile of community hospitals in England in 1998 and 2008, demonstrating changes and trends over the 10-year period. Download our Profiling Report here CHA Profiling Report.The study found that there was an increase in diversification of community hospitals. In addition to the 296 classic community hospitals with beds, there were 16 community hubs (without beds), 1 community ward in a DGH, 3 rehabilitation/intermediate care units and 7 examples of partnerships with care homes.

Community Hospitals Association Directory 1999  Community Hospitals Association Directory 1999

The Directory was published in 1999 and recorded 468 community hospitals in the UK.

The directory listed community hospitals by name, location, address, population served, the name of the nearest DGH and the distance from the community hospital to the DGH. A profile of the hospital services was listed, including number of beds, and whether the hospital had services such as casualty, X-ray etc. The profiling also included the number of visiting Consultant, number of GPs supporting the hospital, and the number of practices.  Download here

The Association of General Practitioner Hospitals Directory 1985The Association of General Practitioner Hospitals Directory 1985

The CHA, (previously known as the Association of General Practitioner Hospitals) published a directory in 1985 that listed 415 community hospitals in the UK. In addition to profile data, the directory also provided activity data.  This included the number of beds, the number of discharges/deaths, occupancy rate and the length of stay. Also recorded were the number of surgical procedures carried out under general anaesthetic, casualty and outpatient clinic attendances and X-ray units. Download here

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